Business News & Updates

2024 Construction Projects in the Lake Street Corridor
The Lake Street Council is tracking the various 2024 construction projects in the Lake Street corridor. During this time, we will support impacted businesses through in-person outreach, updates via our email newsletter, advocating to stakeholders for clear and consistent engagement, and marketing to customers.

Lyndale Avenue South Reconstruction Open House
Whoever you are and however you use Lyndale Avenue, now is the perfect time to tell Hennepin County what you think it should look like. Since August 2023, Hennepin County has been gathering your feedback about how you move around the area and taking feedback on what roadway elements you would like to see when it is reconstructed. Now Hennepin County is ready to discuss some of those features and how they would change the corridor.

Expect a busy August for construction
The B Line & Lake Street Improvements construction project continues this month on Lake Street. In most places, work has completed on the south side of the street and shifted to the north side, where a new round of utility upgrades and sidewalk replacement are underway.

Park and Portland Corridor Improvement Project
Hennepin County is requesting feedback on he current use and potential improvements for the Park Avenue (County Road 33) and Portland Avenue (County Road 35) area.

Upcoming Construction Traffic Changes
The B Line & Lake Street Improvements construction project is progressing along Lake Street. Many impacted areas are reaching a transition point this month as work is completed on the south side of Lake Street and switches to the north side

Upcoming Construction Traffic Changes
The B Line & Lake Street Improvements construction project is progressing along Lake Street. Many impacted areas are reaching a transition point this month as work is completed on the south side of Lake Street and switches to the north side

Lake Street Closure
Lake Street will be closed from Nicollet Ave. to Stevens Ave Friday, June 21st through Thursday, June 27th.

Share Your Feedback on Lyndale Avenue Concepts
Hennepin County is entering into the next phase of planning for the Lyndale Ave reconstruction project that will take place in 2026 and 2027. There are now two actions that interested businesses can take to give input on this project.

Lyndale Avenue Reconstruction Concepts Open House
Join the open house on June 11th to view the designs, provide feedback, and get answers directly from the project team.

Construction in the Corridor: West Lake Recap
The Lake Street Council held the second Construction in the Corridor Information Meeting on April 26, 2024, at The Wilderness Fitness & Coworking to discuss projects impacting West Lake Street.