Expect a busy August for construction

The B Line & Lake Street Improvements construction project continues this month on Lake Street. In most places, work has completed on the south side of the street and shifted to the north side, where a new round of utility upgrades and sidewalk replacement are underway. If new access issues for your business arise during these changes, contact the B Line team.

As sidewalk work wraps up one section at a time, those sections will undergo a "mill and overlay," which involves grinding up and replacing the top layer of asphalt to create a smooth driving surface. That process is underway in parts of Uptown this week, creating some temporary shifts in traffic patterns. We see it as a welcome sign that the project is one step closer to completion!

Learn more about the construction projects impacting the Lake Street corridor. 


3000 Minnehaha - Immediate businesses (Lake & Minnehaha)


Cultural Districts Arts Fund