Grants & Funding Opportunities
Learn more about grant and funding opportunities that may be available to your business.
Acquisition & Predevelopment
The purpose of the We Love Lake Street (WLLS) initiative is to support the recovery and rebuilding of businesses and nonprofit organizations in the Lake Street corridor after the civil uprising that followed in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. The intent of the WLLS Fund is to incentivize community-driven redevelopment within the Lake Street area.
Building Improvement Grant Program
A variety of grant and assistance programs are currently available for Lake Street corridor businesses to make improvements to the exterior and interior of their buildings.
Some programs have specific eligibility requirements based on uses, geographic location, and whether businesses were damaged during the 2020 uprising.
Sustainability, Energy Efficiency & Waste Management
There are grants available for equipment that will help you cut your energy bills and improve your recycling rates. We’ll help you get them.
Lake Street Reimagined Business and Community Event Sponsorship
This program provides funding for community activation and events along the Lake Street corridor to continue to support healing, beautification efforts, and economic rehabilitation that are deeply needed to address the dynamic needs of our community.
Previous Funding from the Lake Street Council
The Lake Street Council previously offered the following grants. These are no longer available. If you have questions regarding any of these grants, please email grants@lakestreetcouncil.org.
Funding Available from Other Sources
Learn more about funding available from sources other than the Lake Street Council.
Restore | Rebuild | Reimagine Fund
The purpose of this program is to help the Lake Street property and business owners within commercial properties to recover from the civil unrest faced in 2020 and 2021. These efforts range from minor repairs to exterior building improvements.
The program will focus on upgrades that are like, kind, and quality in nature. Possibly improvements will include painting, murals, metal panels, signage, pressure washing, security glazing, exterior surveillance cameras, and lighting improvements.
The work will be coordinated with the community construction manager from Mortenson Construction and funded by the Minneapolis Foundation.
For more information on eligibility or any other question, please email or call:
Matt Helleen, Project Manager
DEED Main Street Economic Revitalization Program
The Main Street Economic Revitalization Program from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) is an $80 million statewide economic redevelopment program that will award grants to local partner organizations to establish programs within specific communities that will, in turn, fund economic development and redevelopment projects.
In the Twin Cities, the Minneapolis Foundation, Propel for Nonprofits, and LISC Twin Cities will be awarding $18 million in grants to small businesses. These grants will go out in multiple rounds over the next two years, recognizing that some projects are shovel-ready now, with all other necessary funding streams in place, while others are still in development. In general, these funds will be focused on development projects resulting from the 2020 civil unrest.
Eligible Uses
Under this program, the selected partner organizations will offer grants of up to $750,000 per project or up to $2,000,000 in guaranteed loans. Leveraged grants can cover up to 30% of project costs. Guaranteed loans will be guaranteed by the state up to 80% of the value of the loan.
Leverage grants and guaranteed loans can be used by eligible recipients for the following:
Repair, or renovation of real property
Building construction
Landscaping and streetscaping
Demolition and site preparation
Predesign and design
Related site amenities
Eligible project expenses do not include the purchase of real estate or business operations or business operating expenses, such as inventory, wages, or working capital. Only commercial property owners will be eligible to apply for these funds. More details about eligibility will be made public when the application launches. The application for these grants will be available in winter/spring 2022 on the Minneapolis Foundation website. Lake Street Council will publicize the application through its business newsletter when it becomes available.
In spring 2022, DEED will release an additional round of funding to partner organizations, which may increase the total pot of funds available to Lake Street businesses.
Hennepin County Elevate Program
Elevate Business HC offers Hennepin County businesses no-cost business support designed to help businesses at any stage grow and thrive. They have contracted with 25 professional business advisors and specialized consultants to offer free expert support to local businesses in a wide range of areas including:
Social media
Web development
Human Resources
And more
If you are interested in applying for this program, please visit the Hennepin County website.