Buildings Upgrade Prize Sign-On Letter

The Lake Street Council, in partnership with several other Twin Cities organizations, is currently applying for a grant from the US Department of Energy called the Buildings Upgrade Prize

If awarded, this grant would put us on the path towards helping small business owners in upgrading building infrastructure and equipment that would reduce energy bills and stabilize operating costs. You can help us secure this funding by signing on to a letter of support.

The Buildings Upgrade Prize is structured as a multi-round, multi-year program. If we are selected to participate in the first round, it will open the door for us to design programs and partnerships that will make energy upgrades more accessible and affordable, and eventually lead to direct implementation of improvements at small businesses. With this support, we will be able to ensure that businesses in our communities will be able to take advantage of the generous federal and state incentives that will soon be available.

Lowering energy bills, stabilizing costs, and making investments into improving our buildings would have a huge impact for all our businesses on Lake Street. Critically, the involvement of community-based organizations like the Lake Street Council will ensure that businesses and nonprofits can make informed decisions and investments.

We need your help to secure this funding. Please consider signing this letter to show your support. Thanks!


Minimum Wage Raised to $14.50 on July 1st


New Nicollet Redevelopment Survey - Phase II, Part 1