Visit Lake Street - Lake Street Council

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Cooperative Feasibility Class

This free class is designed for groups who have an idea for a business cooperative.

Class Overview

Session 1
Introduction to the class and cooperative structures 

Session 2
The Cooperative Ownership Canvas

Session 3
The Business Model Canvas in a cooperative context

Session 4
Co-op law and finance

Session 5
Cohort presentations

Session 6 (optional)
Conversion of an existing business to cooperative ownership


For groups interested in:

  • Starting or growing a cooperative, or

  • Converting an existing business into a cooperative.

Up to 15 cooperative ideas are accepted per session.

This class is not for groups starting housing cooperatives.

Schedule and attendance

This is an online class. You must attend all the sessions.

  • There are typically two sessions a week.

  • Each session is from 5:30 to 7:30 pm

  • Sessions are held virtually.

The next cohort begins June 13, 2023.