Visit Lake Street - Lake Street Council

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"We love our Lake Street community and businesses!"

Last November, Lake Street Council/Visit Lake Street was excited to bring back the popular Lake Street Loyalty Challenge for the second time.

Our loyalty challenge rewards people for supporting small businesses on Lake Street. When people spend at least $15 on Lake Street, they can submit their receipt and receive a free $15 gift card to another Lake Street business. Participants are also entered to win a grand prize valued at more than $500.

While the challenge is a fun way for shoppers to snag extra cash for a local treat, the impact of the promotion runs deeper: It drives more visits to local businesses, introduces people to new places they may not otherwise know to visit and strengthens our local economy through greater spending.

 In 2023, the month-long Lake Street Loyalty Challenge:

  • Inspired more than 450 “Lake Street Loyal” shoppers.

  • Supported 123 unique businesses and nonprofits along the corridor.

  • Generated close to $7,000 in customer spending at local businesses.

  • Introduced new visitors to Lake Street!

We heard nothing but positive feedback from challenge participants. Here’s what they had to say about the promotion:

If you’d like to sponsor or donate gift cards to the 2024 Lake Street Loyalty Challenge contact us at