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Lyndale Avenue Reconstruction Concepts Open House

Hennepin County’s efforts to improve safety and modernize Lyndale Avenue (County Road 22) between Franklin Avenue (County Road 5) and 31st Street in South Minneapolis are continuing. Hennepin County, along with the City of Minneapolis, Metro Transit, and other partners, have been taking feedback since last summer on features the community said they would like to see when it is reconstructed.  

We used your feedback to create section concepts, snapshots of what the area could look like with different roadway elements. We are inviting you to come see these concepts and learn more. 

Open House
Tuesday, June 11
4:00 - 6:00 pm
SpringHouse Ministry Center, 610 West 28th Street 

Join to view the designs, provide feedback, and get answers directly from the project team. 

If you cannot attend, materials from the event will be posted on the project website afterwards.  

Stay Engaged

Whoever you are and however you use Lyndale Avenue, now is the perfect time to tell us what you think. To learn more about what we are seeking and the updated timeline for gathering input, you can visit our Lyndale Avenue South reconstruction page on Be Heard Hennepin. 

Josh Potter, project engineer for design